Consecration of America for U.S.Catholic Bishops Meeting
Immaculate Mary, most Holy Mother of God and of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, we the people of the United States of America at this historic
moment stand before you in a humbled condition of love, loyalty, affection,
and thankfulness. To your Immaculate Heart we recommit and dedicate
ourselves throughout the entire American nation. To your Son Jesus Christ we
pledge to serve His teaching, His church, and to work for His kingdom on
earth. O Mary, to you do we flee for protection. Surround the American
family with your maternal care; enfold us in your arms. Give to this
American land, built on the blood and tears of so many faithful forebears, a
peaceful and praiseworthy existence in truth, love, justice, and freedom. O
Mary, we submit to you as the Patroness of our beloved country. O Mary, Help
of Christians, enfold the Holy Father and the Catholic Church within your
protective cloak; be our shield in the days ahead. Give to the Church true
holiness and freedom. Obtain for our leaders holy zeal, the ability to face
the truth, and the courage to correct all abuses. Stop the flood of atheism,
greed, heresy, impurity, lukewarmness, materialism, and selfishness that
threaten our nation. Show to those who have strayed from the Church the way
to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother of God, accept our personal consecration to
you and, through you, bind us forever to the Holy Trinity. Gather us all
into your Immaculate Heart and unite us forever with Jesus.
O Mary, we love you. Amen.
What a beautiful thing to find in my reader this morning. Thank you!
Did you write that consecration prayer? It’s exactly what our we need!