The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a beautiful feast day that is also known as YES Day in our home.
We usually start the day with Mass and a renewal of our vows of Total Consecration to Mary. Last year didn’t go as planned. This year was almost a repeat. Rose, Papi and Sparkles were all sick. In addition, I was becoming preoccupied with prepping for a special dinner with Father M & Father Louis Baudon de Mony. Dad was running on 3 hours of sleep. The trials were building up.
Praise God that we did not let these very small obstacles steal our joy.
We did not get to attend Mass but we did complete a renewal of vows in our home as a family.
We were also able to keep our tradition — our simple way to celebrate the big feast day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dad and I say yes all day to all reasonable requests. The children are also encouraged to say a profound and JOYfilled yes to all requests asked of them. In addition, the children must give all praise to God for the granting of their requests.
Let’s just say there was plenty of praise giving happening in our home. Deo gratias!
This was my yes to dad. He asked me to turn my Marian ParFIAT into a Marian SmoothYES with whip cream on top, of course. And If you give a dad some whip cream, he’ll find some kids to spray.
Notice that my littles already had a popsicle, a result of dad’s earlier yes.
How wonderful! The thing I have been craving most this Lent is a big smoothie! I think I’m drooling…lol.