“A servant of Him who is Love, will never ask why? Mary did not ask this question, neither during the Annunciation, nor at the foot of the Cross of her Son.” (In the Arms of Mary, pg. 148)
On this day we have a tradition of saying “YES” as often as possible to the requests in our home. The little children find such JOY in this practice. They cherish this opportunity and are certain to be thoughtful about their requests.
They in turn are to work on their “YES.”
Below is some brief info on this Solemnity taken from Catholic Culture.
This feast is very important in the defense of the life of unborn children. Even with small children, this is a good day to begin teaching about the high value God places on human life. He loved us so much that he became one of us, took on our human nature and became an innocent, completely dependent infant.
The children and I will view baby G’s sonogram pictures and discuss the gift of life, all life.
This is a Solemnity, so when this feast falls during the Lenten season, our Lenten penance obligations are lifted. We should celebrate by some special food or dinner. This feast day forecasts the blessed event of Christmas, and illustrates how the liturgical year is an endless circle of days…..A perfect symbolic food would be an angel food cake for the archangel Gabriel, baked in a tube pan for the endless circle, decorated with the frosting highlighted with blue for Mary.
We will make our favorite blueberry muffins found at Catholic Cuisine and may have waffles for dinner.
Fra Angelico – The Annunciation. Fresco. San Marco, Florence (detail)
Last year’s post on the Annunciation
Annunciation & Consecration
Deo Gratias!