Things didn’t go as planned desired. We made due nonetheless and had a blessed feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Sparkles (Bernadette) and Sweetie (Mary) acted out Meredith’s retelling of the apparition of Our Lady. It was the first time we made reference to Monday’s With Mary. It’s beautiful.
Here are the treats we had in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. Sparkles was in charge of finding the correlation between the treats and feast day.
Holy Mary, Mother of believers, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Lena, love the title of your blog. It was perfect that you were the first to comment on my post about the joy-filled life. Also, my hometown parish is Our Lady of Lourdes. My daughter’s Confirmation name is Bernadette. I love Our Lady of Lourdes! Great treats associated with it — very fun!
Roxane – Thanks for stopping by. Bernadette is my Confirmation name too. We all enjoyed the treats. None of which, were planned. The day was full of simplicity and JOY.
Pax Christi – Lena