Embroidery ~ St. Clare Dolls
St. Clare is the patron saint of embroiders.
This was the craft chosen for Little Flowers ~ Saint Clare of Assisi and the virtue of Joy-Mirthfulness.
- Piece of fabric (13″x7.5″)
- Oval Embroidery Hoop (fits around the image perfectly and does not require movement)
- Water Soluble Marking Pen-Blue
- Scissors
- Chenille Needle
Crochet Thread (weight 5-10) – thicker than embroidery thread and does not require unraveling as does embroidery floss. I doubled the crochet thread for the Little Flowers to avoid the need for re-threading. (Embroidery thread (ET) was used for small areas)
dark brown – tunic
black – veil
nude – face, nose, hands, feet (St. Clare of Assisi never wore shoes or socks)
gold – halo, monstrance
white – wimple (starched white part of the veil)
green/blue/brown (ET) – eyes
pink (ET) – mouth
Trace St. Clare Pattern unto cloth
Place printed sheet under fabric
Trace image onto fabric with a water soluble fabric pen
Place fabric w/ image into an oval embroidery hoop
Embroider using the running stitch
Running Stitch—This stitch is used for outline and padding. The needle is carried in and out of material making small up and down even stitches. Take several stitches on needle before drawing it through.
Embroidery Links

Dear Lena,
These have turned out so beautifully. I love the St Clare all wrapped up.
Great tutorial too.
Thanks for sharing.
God Bless
Carlotte’s patterns were perfect for the girls to follow. I love them too!
Pax – Lena
I love these! My mother in law took them and made a lovely quilt out of them. I am hoping that as soon as I know what this baby is I will make one like this!
I’ve seen these for b4 and have wanted to make one for a while. Well lo’ and behold I saw this post over at “Catholic Icing” and it served as a wonderful reminder.
Today, is St. Clare’s feast day and as it turns out it’s the very day my SIL’s baby girl has chosen for her bi-day!
As I wait for the news that she is here I think I’ll go grab some fabric and thread and start embroidering.
Go for it, Elizabeth. My little Clare stitched this doll. My eldest backed it with a brown flannel to represent St. Clare’s habit. The pink blanket was a recycled receiving blanket that has been passed down from all the girls. This particular doll was donated to the local Bishop’s pregnancy home.
God bless you and your new niece.
Pax Christi – Lena