We had a great turn out for the last Little Flowers of the year!
girls recapped on our last meeting, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. They were reminded of the “treat box.” The girls can earn a treat for each assignment completed that is signed by a parent.
I briefed the girls on the pious life of St. Lucy. Info was gathered from the following resources. I explained to the girls her vow to remain chaste and pure (a virgin) despite the culture pressures and her mother’s wishes to marry.
St. Lucy Info
The girls discussed loyalty, faithfulness to a cause or belief. They identified that St. Lucy was loyal to God.
I decided to introduce the girls to the Swedish tradition of celebrating St. Lucia’s Feast Day, Luciadagen. They made a St. Lucia Crown of Lights. Her traditional feast day is December 13.
Father L visited the girls. He questioned the girls on what he spoke of at Mass, the true meaning of Christmas and an Advent activity. He also spoke of St. Nicholas. Lastly, he gave the girls their blessing.
The girls took another break for snack provided by Rose. They went outside for pictures but decided to return to the room. It was too cold outside for the girls.
We ended the meeting with some brief housekeeping and a review of assignments for the month.
Memory Verse
Additional Reads
“I will maintain my Covenant with you and your descendants after you throughout the ages as an everlasting pact, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.” Genesis 17:7
Oh!!! The girls all look absolutely precious!!! You are doing an amazing job with your Little Flowers group!!
I hope you are having a blessed Advent!!