Gabriel, born at Assisi in Umbria, and called Francis in memory of his seraphic fellow-citizen, gave evidence of great intelléctual gifts. As a young man, when by the gift of God’s mercy he had already been called to a more perfect life, he fell ill and began to weary of the vanity of the world. Entering the Passionist congregation, he chose the name Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, in order to keep in mind continually both the joys and the sorrows of the Virgin Mary. Honouring her in every way, he was accustomed particularly to contemplating her as worn out and afflicted by Jesus’ sufferings, with such sorrow that he shed a flood of tears. He kept his virginity intact, and, following the strict usage of his congregation, he lived wholly crucified to the world, for God alone. Thus he completed his short life in the exercise of all virtues ; consumed by the fire of charity rather than by the force of his illness and refreshed by the aid of God’s Mother, he went to heaven in the year 1862. Pope Pius X numbered him among the Blessed ; Benedict XV, among the Saints ; and Pius XI extended his Office and Mass to the Universal Church.

- St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother – The Passionists
- St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Bio for Families – Domestic Church
- St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Bio for Kids – Holy Spirit Interactive
- St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Bio – EWTN
- St. Gabriel’s Shrine
- Novena to St. Gabriel
- St. Gabriel’s 41 Resolutions
- Quotes of St. Gabriel
- Gallery of St. Gabriel
- Litany of St. Gabriel & MORE
Prayer to Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother