Candy Rosary
We prayed our rosary today at 12 pm for the intentions of the unborn and innocent. We decided to use Sweethearts candies for the Hail Mary’s. Each child placed a candy in their dish upon the completion of a prayer.
(sweetie and sparkles dressed themselves for school.)
WARNING: This candy rosary is not intended for children 3 and under.
Papi had a meltdown several meltdowns.
The children only received a candy when they were actively prayed. They were not allowed to eat the candies until the completion of the rosary. Papi did not think the rules were just. He did eventually recover. Praise be to God!
Decorating For Our Lady
Here is my go at a wonderful liturgical wreath for the month of October. The idea was shared by Tiffany at Family at the Foot of the Cross. I check her site regularly for her splendid faith-filled liturgical celebration ideas. However, I checked her site this time around via the Catholic Icing Rosary Round Up.
I knew I wanted to take a go at Tiffany’s creation once I saw it. My front door has been empty since mid September. I was a little nervous at first because I really don’t have a budget for extra purchases. My nerves did not curb my excitement. I woke up my husband who works nights, to inquire about an old wreath I had. I thought it was tossed last year in my attempt to organize the garage.
Thankfully, he was not upset with me and went to search for the wreath. He found it! I didn’t doubt him for one minute. ; )
I decorated the 5+ year old wreath, last year, with up-cycled floral embellishments from a potted plant that I received as a gift. I added a rosary in the middle as Tiffany suggested.
The children were thrilled with the new creation.
Thanks Tiffany!
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Ora pro nobis.
The Most Holy Rosary
The Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. This commemorates the day in 1571 when Christian forces defeated the Turkish (Moslem) fleet in a sea battle at Lepanto, off the western coast of Greece. St. Pope Pius V had asked all Christians to pray the Rosary for victory.
The contemplation of the Virgin Mary, her privileges, and the favors she bestows on her children was considered a joy exceeding all other joys. It was this joyful piety of the “Hail, Our Lady” that gave the name of the Rosary. ~ The Origin of the Rosary
Essay from Fr. H. O’Laverty’s book, The Mother of God’s Glorious Feasts, 1908. – Republished under the title The Mother of God and Her Glorious Feasts.
Mysteries of the Rosary – Pictorial
Traditional Rosary for Kids – Virtue of the mystery is listed.
Traditional Rosary Coloring Pages – Complete Mysteries
Rosary Coloring Page – Picture of the Rosary
Rosary Matching/Memory Game & Other Family Rosary devotions
Complete Resources for Our Lady of the Rosary – Includes links to video of a documentary about the Battle of Lepanto
The Conversion of Blessed Bartolo Longo by Fr. Daniels or the story of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii.
“Mary, Mother of Jesus, and my Mother
~ Mother Teresa
You were the first one to hear Jesus cry, “I Thirst.”
You know how real, how deep is His longing
for me and for the poor.
I am yours – the whole MC Family is yours –
Teach me; bring me face to face
with the love in the Heart of Jesus Crucified.
With your help, Mother Mary,
I will listen to Jesus’ Thirst
and it will be for me a Word of Life.
Standing near you, I will give Him my love,
and I will give Him the chance to love me,
and so be the cause of your joy
and so to satiate Jesus’ Thirst for Love of souls.”
The Rosary ~ A Family Devotion
I’m joining the Rosary Link Up hosted by Lacy from Catholic Icing. Here are a few examples of the ways that we pray and share the Rosary.
Praying the Rosary for the Unborn
During the month of October we join the 40 Days for Life campaign and pray the Rosary at the local abortion mill. This devotion is addition to our daily family Rosary.
Rosary Matching Game
I created a Rosary matching game to help Sparkles prepare for her First Holy Communion. The idea came from Jessica at Shower of Roses, of course. The children love the game and continue to use it.
The cards also help them to meditate on the mysteries while praying the Rosary. They’re especially helpful for Papi. We have sets everywhere; baby bag, church bag, family altar, rosary rack….
I laminate the cards, hole punch them and hold them together with key rings. I have also used ribbon to keep the cards together.
Video & Audio
Here is a list of a few of our go-to sources.
We occasionally use video of the Rosary to help the children us better meditate on the mysteries of the rosary.
The Traditional Latin Rosary video by Pro-Multis is our favorite. We actually own all their children’s videos. They’re traditional, beautiful and informative! Here is a clip of the rosary video.
My husband (when not playing Gregorian Chant), will often play this video during our school day. The children are always drawn to it. They will sneak away during the school day to pray along. Usually we find them prostrating and praying. Other times, it’s just an ejaculation as they walk by. Sometimes, it’s even praying along in the school room as they work – Ora et Labora!
The children also like to pray along with Mother Angelica and Sisters on EWTN. We join in for the 6:30pm PST broadcast. We do not have TV or cable connection so we watch it via internet from here.
We sometimes catch the Rosary for Kids on EWTN during their kids hour from (12:45) 1-2 (2:15)pm PST. The show/video is just the right length for Papi (3 year old boy). The Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be are recited after each mystery is explained.
There is also the downloadable audio rosary from Rosary Army. You can listen to the links directly from the computer or download the mp-3 files to take on the go.
Additional Audio Rosary Links:
- Rosary with Mother Angelica and the Nuns at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery – Audio
- Online Interactive Rosary – Click, view, pray, and listen. English and Latin offered.
- Scriptural Rosary With Mother Teresa – Beautiful Images
Rosary Storage
We store our family rosaries on a Rosary Rack. The Rosary Rack is actually a picture/key holder wall shelf. I found it on clearance and repurposed it.
The Rosary Rack is located in the school room/former dining room. This is a central room in our home. The rosaries are visible from the front door to all who enter.
My husband and I try to carry a rosary with us at all times. We encourage the children to do the same. We attempt to pray the rosary when out and about so that we never remain idle.
It also helps us not to get taken in by the temptations around us. For example, in the dentist’s waiting room there are numerous magazines with inappropriate covers and now they’ve even added a television. Praying the rosary helps us keep custody of our senses when we can not physically remove ourselves from the presence of temptations.
Our children have also become accustomed to using what they have on hand to pray the rosary. The girls and I often use our Marian/Saint bracelets. They even know how to use their God-given rosary, their fingers.
Sharing the Devotion
In addition to praying the rosary in public, we give rosaries away. We generally use and purchase inexpensive plastic rosaries. We keep extras in the car. A rosary and prayer card is almost always given to someone on the street in need. Sometimes this is in addition to a meal or small offering.
We have also taken the children to pray the rosary with the elderly and sick in nursing homes. The residents are always filled with gratitude and joy.