My Beloved Jesus,
On This Joyous Day,
I Have Been Given
The Opportunity To
Receive In Communion,
Your Body, Your Blood,
Your Spirit And
Your Supreme Divinity:
May I Prove Worthy And
Appreciative Of This Most
Scared Gift Bestowed.
Sparkles had an early visit form her Nina & Nino (Godparents). Her Nina presented her with a special glass rosary that she has treasured for Sparkles since she was born.
Sparkles also received other special First Communion items from her Godparents; Gold Rosary, Gold Chalice, Prayer Cards and a custom veil.
Sparkles was delighted!
She was also thankful for all the prayers that were to be offered for her on her special day by her Nina. She was not able to attend Sparkles First Communion because she departed for a pilgrimage (on May 7) to the Shroud of Turin and other Holy ground.
Sparkles decided at the last minute not to wear her sister’s First Communion dress as earlier discussed. Rose was honored for Sparkles to wear her dress but was adamant that it only be for her First Communion not for general Sunday attire. When Sparkles inquired if a spare dress that I purchased earlier in the year could be used for “other Sundays, ” I knew she had her heart set. The dress is hers to wear freely as she chooses in celebration of her blessed day.
Sparkles requested that she go to the Sacrament of Penance one more time before receiving Our Lord in First Communion. Dad made a special appointment since traveling was not an option.
She was also managed to get an early First Communion breakfast with Father D and Dad.
We arrived at church with plenty of time to spare. Sparkles gave thanks. She was anxious the entire week. She initiated and led a rosary on the way to church which is an hour drive.
Praise and thanksgiving for child-like faith.
enjoying the anticipation of receiving JESUS
proud dad
time for girl talk
Sparkles was not the first which meant she is no longer the smallest. This in itself yielded a smile.
Sparkles desired to wear her new necklace of St. Bernadette. I agreed but suggested that the necklace be tucked inside her dress. I noticed early on that the necklace worked it’s way out.
St. Bernadette pray for Sparkles.
Father L recapped on what he instructed the First Communicants on during their lessons. He was able to reach the children in a way that we, their earthly parents can not.
Praise be to God for faithful Priests!
The children re-entered the church after Mass for their enrollment in the Brown Scapular.
O God, Who hast honored the Order of Carmel with the special title of Thy most Blessed Mother Mary, ever Virgin: mercifully grant, that we who celebrate her memory this day with solemn office, may be shielded by her protection and deserve to come to everlasting joys: Who livest and reignest.
Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
This picture is the best we could do and I’m not complaining. No retakes needed for this 39 weeks pregnant mama.
mom (and baby G) ~ dad ~ papi ~ rose~ sweetie ~ sparkles
Rose & Sparkles
Papa & Nana
Papa and Nana were thrilled to have a personal invite from Sparkles. In fact, Sparkles gave personal invites to all her guests. Unfortunately, they and Father D were the only quests able to attend.
Dad and I later reflected on how Sparkles so graciously accepted this small cross, limited attendees to a glorious day. She is always putting others first and hardly every allows for a pity party. She focuses on the gifts before her and finds JOY in all things. This occasion was no different. Sure, she was saddened that her intimate guest list was dwindled down to 2 parties especially when one of them called in sick the morning of - but she did not get wrapped up in the details or focus on their absence. Instead she did what Sparkles usually does, offered a prayer for them and moved on JOYfully! Dad and I were touched by her example and continue to pray that this virtue flourish within her and spread through-out our family.
Papa & Nana do not attend our parish and are sometimes unsure of our willingness to travel so far for Mass and other parish functions. However, this day provided graces for everyone present.
They were exceptionally impressed with the reverence of all those in attendance, especially the new communicants. They couldn’t quite articulate all that they experienced but I got the jest of it.
We pray that Our Lord continues to work on their hearts along with all others who were present on this blessed day.
We were sure not to miss a photo opp with any one of our blessed priests. Thanks Evann for your reminder in your posting, More Traditions.
Father D ~ Father L ~ Father M
We had a nice intimate celebration with 22 First Communicants.