My friend, Melody had a great “Girls Only” post. My comment ended up being so long that it exceeded the comment box’s word count. I decided to post my response here, in it’s entirety.
Only proceed if you’re an “Estrogen American” and you have read Melody’s 7 Quick Takes – TMI /Girls Only Edition.
it’s so nice to hear from a brave soul who is willing to put a voice to what many of us 30-something moms are experiencing.
i will openly share here because i believe that we could all benefit from the sharing. i much rather read the views of a faithful Catholic mom than those from the secular world.
pelvic floor – i was convinced that kegals were not the answer after i experienced no improvement (from one preg. to the next) despite my rigorous routine. i did some online research and was further convicted to avoid kegals, altogether. it’s been a little over one year and i have experienced great results with squats, alone. (there continue to be mixed reviews. i’m just sharing what has worked for me.)
gray hair - (note, what I’m about to say comes from a place of discernment not condemnation. I’m still discerning this matter on a regular basis. here is where i stand today….)
i’m in the same boat you are. (i wrote a little about it on my blog post – Hair Detachment) it’s the transition period that i predict will be the most difficult.
i desire to let my husband be the head of my home and me. this is one small area for me to practice such submission so that i can better follow him for the big stuff. the way I see it, if my husband does not find it necessary for me to dye my hair then i should follow suit. it’s not something big but it is within my means. i consider it a small act of reparation for Jesus. i also hope that it will inspire my daughters to embrace their entire femininity – as He wills it to be. after all, going gray His design.
i’m sure, if more 30-something year olds would not dye their hair, this would be a non issue for many. we would not have the same pressure to "look our age."
i desire to be the age i am, just as He has willed it to be. i do make exceptions for my husband’s requests. I figure he’ll have to answer for those choices.
i try hard not to worry about how others may view me. if they see me as a "frumpy old" woman, so be it–one me thing for me to offer to Jesus. i want to live a simple life (as natural as possible)and enjoy every stage of life to it’s fullest. for me, that means accepting the gray hair as a crown of glory — one step closer to Our Heavenly Father & Home.
feminine products – i used a menstrual cup (MC) two kids – five pregnancies ago. i’ve always preferred tampons since it was the practical way to go for my athletic regime. as a mom of three (including a nursing baby) tampons were no longer working for my heavy blood flow. i opted for an alternative to tampons. (this was right around the time i became a wannabe crunchy mom.) i didn’t find many options. i used Instead Softcups. they worked great once i got used to the whole process.
note: do NOT attempt your MC trail run on a day when you’ll be active and/or outside the home. i’m speaking from experience.
i didn’t use a MC for long because I became pregnant shortly after and never really had much time to reacquaint myself.
i would definitely use a menstrual cup again. in fact, i’ve been shopping around to see which brand I will purchase next.
custody of the eyes – my temperament is to be direct and make a correction regardless of the situation. yes, i have issues with my tongue. instead, i work on fighting the urge.
on my good days, i say a quick ejaculation to the Blessed Virgin Mary and try to shower that individual with charity — the charity in which i desire to receive. on my bad days, i abruptly end the conversation and walk away.
i agree, a man should have eyes only for his wife. i pray that i adequately train my boys so that this will never be an issue for them.
post-partum hair loss - i have you beat—dragonfly is twenty months and my hair has not completely returned. the hair that has returned is gray.
nursing bras – i think i’d opt for a quality nursing bra for the next preg (God-willing, there be a next time). i usally wear a comfy sports bra when I’m at home and a regular bra when i need to be presentable.
i don’t care much for the latches on any nursing bra. my fav nursing bra was a $6 find from target’s maternity line. i found it eight years ago and it still does the best job for me (and the girls).
valentines - thanks for sharing the idea. i look forward to checking it out. dad and i usually don’t do anything extraordinary on st. valentine’s day. i think this year may need to be different since st. valentine is my family’s patron saint for 2012.
Ad Jesum per Mariam!