Today, two of the boys woke up early with Dad to assist at Holy Mass and prepare the church for Christmas. They’ve yet to sleep in since we stopped lessons.

Last week they set up the Nativity at the State Capital. It is planned to stay up until Epiphany.
I’m loving the new traditions that we’ve taken on — all at the lead of my husband.
The little boys and I began to clean the house while the big girls took a well deserved outing.
Our oldest son picked out a tree from the free-lot and all were eager to get it up.
We continued to clean like all other times — mixed with bouts of rough housing.
The silence is almost never to my desire. Yet, I count it all a joy and trust that we are right where we ought to be.
We’re willing & ready to offer these last hours to go deeper into our Journey to Bethlehem, preparing for the Christ Child.
Tomorrow will bring more silence and the fast & abstinence is sure to be felt more than ever. 🙏🏼
Remember Thy apostles and Thy martyrs; remember Thy saints who have founded Churches, and honoured them by their virtues and miracles; remember Thy bride the Church, and support her during her earthly pilgrimage, until the number of Thy elect is filled up.
She longs to possess Thee in the eternal light of the vision; but Thou hast given her a heart with such mother’s love, that she will not leave her children as long as there is one to save, nor cease to save until that day come when there shall no more be a militant Church, but the one sole triumphant Church, inebriated with the enjoyment of the sight and embraces of her God.
But that last day has not yet come, O Jesus! there is yet time for Thee to descend from heaven and visit Thy vineyard.
Restore to the branches of the tree the leaves which have fallen in the storm of iniquity.
Let this tree of Thy predilection bud forth new branches; and the old ones, which have separated from it, and have seemed to force Thy justice to cast them in the fire, let them be once more grafted on the parent trunk, so torn by their rupture from her.
Come, O Jesus, for the sake of Thy Church; she is dearer to Thee than was the Jerusalem of old. #domprospergueranger
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