Always better than a Friday introduction, a reflection that will take you closer to His holy will.

Below Father Francis Xavier Weninger, DD, SJ. “Saint Henry, Emperor”. Lives of the Saints, 1876 offers practical application for the saint of the day (7.15), St. Henry II, Emperor of Germany, C. He is a patron of childless people, disabled people, handicapped people, people rejected by religious orders, physically challenged people, against sterility, and more.
Saint Henry prepared himself, first for six days, then six weeks, then six months, and finally, six years for death, as he looked upon the above mentioned words, “After six,” as an announcement of his approaching end.
He acted rightly; for, when death is concerned, no preparation can be too thorough, as our eternity depends upon it.
Have you still to live six years, six months, six weeks, six days? You know not. You are not even assured of six hours; for, the same faith which teaches you that death is certain, teaches you also that the time, manner and place of it are unknown.
Can you believe this, and yet defer to prepare yourself for your departure from this world?
Of course you promise to yourself that you will live many years to come: but how can you promise yourself what is not at all in your power?
Has the Almighty, who alone is Lord over time, life and death, assured you on this point?
Have there not been many deceived who, like yourself, flattered themselves with the hope of a long life?
But even should you still live many years, do you suppose that you would regret having prepared yourself for death, by penance and a Christian life, though you were spared to live longer?
Saint Henry certainly did not regret it. How many thousands suffer in hell, and regret eternally, that deceived by the hope of a long life, they postponed preparing themselves for death.
Taken away suddenly in their sins, they have gone to everlasting destruction.
Whom, then, will you follow, these unhappy ones, or Saint Henry?
“Reform your lives, and prepare yourselves early for death, because the end of our days is unknown.” This admonition comes to us from Saint Augustine.
St. Henry, ora pro nobis.

Oh, what a royal road do these tread who seek in all things the will of God! (Saint Catherine of Siena).
Find out and fight to the death the passion that tyrannizes over you; it is tim.e to make an end of it.
– taken from the book Saints and Saintly Dominicans, by Blessed Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier, O.P.
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