Epiphany water is blessed on the eve of epiphany. The ceremony takes about 40 min. and includes the regular traditional exorcisms & blessings over holy water, plus the litany of the Saints and an additional special exorcism, the Te Deum along with numerous psalms and the Magnificat.
This particular form of Holy Water is a powerful sacramental for souls and a great weapon in thwarting the power of Satan and the fallen angels.

Traditional Latin Mass parishes have been known to bless upwards of 300 gallons of water.

Exorcism against Satan and the Apostate Angels
We cast thee out, every unclean spirit, every devilish power, every assault of the infernal adversary, every legion, every diabolical group and sect, by the Name and power of our Lord Jesus + Christ, and command thee to fly far from the Church of God and from all who are made to the image of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb +.
Presume never again, thou cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute the Church of God, nor to strike the chosen of God and sift them as wheat +.
For the Most High commands thee, + He to Whom thou didst hitherto in thy great pride presume thyself equal; He Who desireth that all men might be saved, and come to the knowledge of truth.
God the Father + commandeth thee!
God the Son + commandeth thee!
God the Holy + Ghost commandeth thee!
The majesty of Christ commands thee, the Eternal Word of God made flesh, + Who for the salvation of our race, lost through thy envy, humbled Himself and was made obedient even unto death; Who built His Church upon a solid rock, and proclaimed that the gates of hell should never prevail against her, and that He would remain with her all days, even to the end of the world!
The Sacred Mystery of the Cross + commands thee, as well as the power of all Mysteries of Christian faith! + The most excellent Virgin Mary, Mother of God + commands thee, who in her lowliness crushed thy proud head from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception!
The faith of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles + commands thee!
The blood of the martyrs commands thee, as well as the pious intercession + of holy men and women!
Therefore, accursed dragon and every diabolical legion, we adjure thee by the living + God, by the true + God, by the holy + God, by the God Who so loved the world that He gave His Sole-Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but shall have life everlasting—cease thy deception of men and thy giving them to drink of the poison of eternal damnation; desist from harming the Church and fettering her freedom!
Get thee gone, Satan, founder and master of all falsity, enemy of mankind! Give place to Christ in Whom thou didst find none of thy works; give place to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church which Christ Himself bought with His Blood!
Be thou brought low under God’s mighty hand; tremble and flee as we call upon the holy and awesome name of Jesus, before Whom hell trembles, and to Whom the Virtues, Powers, and Dominations are subject; Whom the Cherubim and Seraphim praise with unfailing voices, saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God of Hosts!
The cantors sing the following Antiphon and Canticle:
Antiphon: Today the Church is espoused to the heavenly Bridegroom, for in the Jordan Christ washes her sins: the Magi hasten with gifts to the regal nuptials, and the guests are gladdened with water become wine, alleluia.
Canticle of Zachary (Luke 1.68-79)
Blessed + be the Lord God of Israel, * for He hath visited and redeemed His people,
And hath raised up the Abundance of salvation for us * in the lineage of David His servant.
Thus He foretold by the mouth of His holy prophets * who have been from times ancient;
That we might be saved from our enemies * from the hand of all that hate us.
Now is granted the mercy promised to our fathers, * remembering His holy covenant;
And the oath which He swore to Abraham our father * that He would extend to us;
That we, delivered from the hand of our enemies, * might serve Him without fear,
Living in holiness and righteousness * before Him all our days.
And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest, * for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways;
To give knowledge of salvation to His people * the remission of their sins,
Through the bounteous mercy of our God * in which the Orient from on high hath visited us,
To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, * to direct our feet into the way of peace.
Glory be to the Father. * As it was in the beginning.
Or instead of the above, the Magníficat may be recited. At the end of either, the antiphon given above is repeated. Then the celebrant sings:
V. The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray. O God, Who by the guidance of a star didst this day reveal thy Sole-Begotten Son to the Gentiles, grant that we who now know Thee by faith may be brought to the contemplation of Thy heavenly majesty. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, eternally. R. Amen.
The Blessing of the Water
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth.
From here the blessing of the water continues per the form for the usual holy water. The celebrant then sprinkles the people with the blessed water. Lastly, the Te Deum is sung.
The blessed water is then given to the faithful who will use it to bless the sick and their homes.
Vigil of the Epiphany: the Blessing of Epiphany Chalk
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.
Bless, + O Lord God, this creature chalk, to render it helpful to men. Grant that they who use it with faith in Thy most holy Name, and with it inscribe upon the entrance of their homes the names of Thy Saints, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, may through their merits and intercession enjoy health of body and protection of soul. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
The chalk is sprinkled with holy water and then distributed to the faithful to use to inscribe the lintels of their houses.
Epiphany Day: the Blessing of the Lintel and Home
Lintel Inscription: 20 + C + M + B + 21
The letters have two meanings. They are the initials of the traditional names of the Three Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. They also abbreviate the Latin words “Christus mansionem benedicat.” “May Christ bless the house.” The letters recall the day on which the inscription is made, as well as the purpose of blessing.

The crosses represent the protection of the Precious Blood of Christ, whom we invoke, and the holiness of the Three Magi sanctified by their adoration of the Infant Christ. The inscription is made above the front door, so that all who enter and depart this year may enjoy God’s blessing.

To bless your home this Epiphany, read the Prologue of St. John’s Gospel (i.e., the Last Gospel used at Mass), followed by the Our Father, and the Collect of the Epiphany; then write the inscription for this year above your front door with blessed chalk.

The lintel of the main door of the house (and other doors if desired) is marked by a senior member of the household (usually the father) in the following way: 20 + C + M + B + 21
Whilst saying the following prayer:
The Three Wise Men, Caspar C (write the letter), Melchior M and Balthazar B followed the star of God’s Son Who became man, Two Thousand 20 and Twenty One years ago 21. May Christ bless our home ++ (inscribe the first two crosses), and remain with us through the new year ++ (then the last two crosses).
If others are present, you may continue:
Almighty God, incline your ear. Bless us and all who are gathered here. Send your holy angel who will defend us and fill with grace all who dwell here. R. Amen.
The senior member may then proceed to sprinkle the interior of the home with the blessed Epiphany Water.

Lena-What beautiful celebrations ! I wasn’t aware of the chalk blessing, & will be doing it this Epiphany. I loved the Nativity painting that shows a horse. I volunteer in an equine hospital & would love to get a print of it. Do you know who the artist is ? Thanks & God bless.
Hello! I just received a small bottle of Epiphany water. While searching for the difference between this and regular holy water, I found your webpage. I wanted to know if you know if my husband could bless some chalk with this water himself in order for us to do this epiphany blessing (albeit quite late in the year) or if we need a priest to do so?