The truth of the matter is that we’ve been giving away our information (access to our personal lives) long ago. I once worked in a Multi-media research firm in the hub of Silicon Valley, we studied all things pertaining to marketing & technology. Let’s just say, there is not much that surprises me regarding the ability of tech and the scope of access that one allows for the sake of entertainment, convenience, discounts, or fill-in-the-blank.
I remember once warning mothers not to use the grocery store rewards cards for all its implications. The cable devices, online subscriptions, email providers, and the like have always been collecting personal information. Needless to say, things have rapidly changed since the earliest days of the internet and digital intelligence. But did we really think that it would all be FREE or that our privacy was guaranteed?
Goodness, people are voluntarily walking around with tracking devices (smart watches). It’s no longer just a phone that one can isolate for use (even though it can never fully be turned off from accessing you). Not to mention that majority of the apps used on the phone grant an enormous scope of access to personal information.
So, there’s a new policy that reads like an Orwellian book and we’re surprised?!?
Maybe it’s your line.
Maybe you’re still discerning.
Maybe you’re too attached either way.
Whatever it may be, I give you the words of a Priest who I shared my concerns of tech privacy issues with, years ago (stemming from the biometrics ability of a top email provider/tech company, social media data collecting, and navigation app). He simply stated, “Our Lord tells us (in scripture) that all things will be made known in the end-times. What are you hiding?”
Those words continue to sit with me through my own (constant) discernment.

There are plenty of wise counsels from the saints on the particulars of making a decision. I’m partial to a certain method of discernment.
It all boils down to what matters most — OUR SALVATION!
When discerning any decision, we must ultimately answer the question, Does this help or hinder my own salvation (and those which have been entrusted to me)?
There is no doubt that we have much to discern in our current times.
May we properly discern and do what is necessary for our salvation. May we not move in fear or lose peace. May we not hold any attachments. May we keep our eyes on His Holy Cross and seek His Kingdom, only!

O CHRIST, JESUS, I acknowledge Thee as Universal King. All that has been made, has been created for Thee. Exercise over me all Thy rights. I renew my baptismal promises; I renounce Satan, his pumps and his works; and I promise to live a good Christian life. In particular I pledge myself to labor, to the best of my ability, for the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy church.
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