It is with great joy that I share news of my daughter’s participation in a mission. Ella (aka Sparkles) has longed to serve on a Peru Mission since she was a young girl. The good Lord prompted it all to come together for her this year, sooner than we had anticipated.
Ella will be serving in Peru for 10 days, July 3-18, 2020. The trip is organized by St. Francis Xavier Mission to Peru, an arm of the FSSP).
The missionaries will be assisting in the work of Santisimo Sacramento Parish.
They begin each morning with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Afterward, they receive work assignments. The parish coordinates a wide arrange of charitable works, including (but not limited to):
- Helping at an orphanage
- Distributing food to poor
- Building houses
- Teaching English in the parish school
- Assisting with work at the hospice
- Assisting in the parish’s free clinic.
Each missionary will have the chance to participate in a variety of different works of mercy.
All the while, they form strong friendships and, most importantly, we grow in their love for Christ by serving the poor.
They conclude their days with recreation, spiritual conferences, the praying of the rosary, and time for discussion and reflection.
The trip concludes with a pilgrimage to visit some of the relics of Peru’s five canonized saints: St. Martin DePorres, St. Rose of Lima, St. Francis Solanus, St. Toribius de Mongrevejo, and St. John Macias.
In your charity, please consider becoming a spiritual and physical benefactor for her and this cause.
Your daughter will come back forever changed! We live in Seattle and my daughter went this past July to Piura with Mission Tradition and she wants to go back! Congrats Ella! You will get to know so many beautiful people. Peru and the children stole Natalie’s heart. The whole experience did.❤