…expressing the condition of Christian life which is to be a long pilgrimage and a long walk to paradise…
We are preparing to embark on our third Our Lady of Bethlehem Pilgrimage, our mini Chartres.
The Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage is a three-day walk from Notre-Dame de Paris to Notre-Dame de Chartres, approximately 60 miles. Pilgrims are organized into groups of 20-60 people, that are referred to as "chapters". The "walk" is through the streets of Paris, and then into the countryside. It can be muddy, rocky, and demanding, but the rewards of such a penitential exercise are eternal. Good sturdy shoes are a must. Each chapter is accompanied by at least one chaplain, who hears confession and gives spiritual direction to each pilgrim who avails himself of the priest’s presence. This pilgrimage originated in the 12th century, with interruptions for the various wars our European brethren seem to find themselves in from time to time.
Pilgrims will meet in front of Notre-Dame de Paris at 6 a.m. on 18th May 2013, and the journey of faith and foot begins. ~ Read here for more.
The Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Bethlehem is a three-day walk from San Juan Bautista Mission to Carmel Mission, approximately 45 miles.
Our theme for the OLB Pilgrimage 2013 will be the same as Chartres — EDUCATION, PATH TO HOLINESS.
After the defense of life (2011 theme) and family raised (2012 theme), the defense of education is the third non-negotiable points on which Pope Benedict XVI returns so frequently.
Friday, May 17, 2013 – The principles of education under the patronage of Saint John Bosco (Dragonfly’s 3rd Birthday)
Saturday, May 18, 2013 – Family, first of Education under the patronage of Saint John Baptist de la Salle (Sparkle’s 10th Birthday)
Sunday, May 19, 2013 – God teaches us through the Church under the patronage of St. Anne and St. Joachim (Church’s Birthday)
We make this pilgrimage for the following intentions:
- To make Our Lady of Bethlehem known and Loved
- In reparation for the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- For Conversion of our own hearts, our families, Town, State, Country, the World
- To pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart
- Personal reparation and private intentions of family, friends and bloggers (whom have asked for prayers) You may send me your prayer request via email (joyfilledfamily{at}gmail{dot}com) or in the comments.
The pilgrimage has always reared fruits for my family. Both Dad and I trust that the graces from our OLB Pilgrimage 2012 led to my healing and the blessing of baby Gennaro Maximilian. I had just suffered from two miscarriages for a total of six babies that have gone on to be with the Good Lord, we pray.
Needless to say, this year’s journey will be filled with thanksgiving for the many blessings that He has bestowed upon us, as unworthy as we are. Also, it will most likely be the last pilgrimage we will take as complete family since Rose will venture off to college. My heart runneth over with joy, thanksgiving, and a whole lot of other stuff that I best offer up.
Please keep us, and all the pilgrims all over the world who will be journeying this Pentecost season, in your prayers. May we journey in a spirit of penance, fasting and giving alms along the way. May we do so joyously, in thanksgiving for blessings received, or in a spirit of supplication for blessings desired. May we be blessed by being in the presence of holy relics and by walking on ground hallowed by the Saints. May it be done All for the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, all in union with St. Joseph.
Our Lady of Bethlehem, pray for us now, pray for us in every need, and be Thou with us at the hour of our death. Amen.
What a beautiful site this is! I am very interested in the mini Chartes Pilgimage!
Can you please provide more information for me as I would like to organize a pilgrimage group.
God bless
Fr. Mackin +
Dear Fr. Mackin,
I’m just now seeing your comment as I’m reflecting on our recent pilgrimage. If only we connected sooner! I trust that the Good Lord has been working to bring us together and join our efforts. We look forward to what is to come and hope that next year is our year — we would love to have you as our pilgrimage Chaplain!
Our Lady of Bethlehem, ora pro nobis.
In Christo Rege,