The time has come, Rose is wrapping up her homeschool years. We decided to have some fun after our school photo session.
We remain steadfast in prayer as she continues to discern His holy will.
O ALMIGHTY God! Whose wise and amiable prov-
idence watches over every human event, deign to
be my light and my counsel in all my undertakings,
particularly in the choice of a state of life. I know
that on this important step my sanctification and
salvation may in a great measure depend. I know
that I am incapable of discerning what may be best
for me; therefore I cast myself into Thy arms, beseech-
ing Thee, my God, Who hast sent me into this world
only to love and serve Thee, to direct by Thy grace
every moment and action of my life to the glorious
end of my creation. I renounce most sincerely every
other wish, than to fulfill Thy designs on my soul,
whatever they may be; and I beseech Thee to give me
the grace, by imbibing the true spirit of a Christian,
to qualify myself for any state of life to which Thy
adorable providence may call me. O my God! when-
ever it may become my duty to make a choice, do Thou
be my light and my counsel, and mercifully deign to
make the way known to me wherein I should walk, for
I have lifted up my soul to Thee. Preserve me from
listening to the suggestions of my own self-love, or
worldly prudence, in prejudice to Thy holy inspirations.
Thy good Spirit lead me into the right way, and
Thy adorable providence place me, not where I may
be happiest, according to the world, but in that state
in which I Shall love and serve Thee most perfectly,
and meet with most abundant means for working out
my salvation. This is all that I ask and all that I
desire; for what would it avail me to gain the whole
world, if, in the end, I were to lose my soul and to be
so unfortunate as to prefer temporal advantages and
worldly honors to the enjoyment of Thy divine presence
in a happy eternity?
Most holy Virgin Mary, take me under thy protection.
My good angel guardian and patron saints, pray
for me. Amen.
every time I visit your blog, I’m taken back by her beauty. gorgeous pictures! God bless you and your beautiful family! and May God direct and guide your daughter’s path.
Your daughter is very beautiful– you are extremely blessed! Thank you for sharing the discernment prayer!