They made their family an authentic domestic Church, open to life, prayer, witness of the Gospel, the social apostolate, solidarity with the poor, and friendship. ~ Cardinal Jose Martins
Our Lady of Bethlehem Pilgrimage
Day 2: Saturday, May 26, 2012
Bl. Luigi & Maria are among the few examples of beatification of a married couple in the history of the Church.
Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrami Quattrocchi were our patrons for Saturday, in keeping with the theme of Chartes.
Day two started with an early rise. The weather was overcast and sprinkling. Papi was bundled up in the stroller and Dragonfly was packed nicely on Dad’s back.
Papi didn’t opted to walk once he spotted a nice walking stick.
Dad, Sparkles, and Dragonfly
Rose carried the pilgrimage banner for the first stretch of Day 2.
Sparkles needed to get warm more than she needed to rest her feet. It was a blessing to have such charitable youth on our journey.
The pilgrims making it to their first break point. Day 2 consisted mostly of back roads, surrounded by agriculture.
“Fulfilling their conjugal and family role by virtue of this sacrament, spouses are penetrated with the spirit of Christ and their whole life is permeated by faith, hope, and charity; thus they increasingly further their own perfection and their mutual sanctification, and together they render glory to God”
~Gaudium et spes, n. 48
Dad and Papi enjoying some down time.
Mom and Dragonfly staying warm in the pilgrim van. I was put on driving duty for the day.
The pilgrims continued their journey, after lunch. I took back 2 of my littles and others who needed to reprieve from the terrain.
Dad, Rose, and Dragonfly continued for eight miles. Dragonfly took his nap on CD’s head shoulders and had to be transferred back to his bed stroller.
The pilgrims returned to camp where moms were tending to little ones and prepping dinner.
We took an impromptu visit to the beach.
Papi had a wonderful time playing dodge the wave. He became so drenched and cold that he began to turn blue. I had to strip his clothes and cover him in my jacket.
~Letter to Families, n. 2
Dad was back at camp. Rose, dripping wet and all, helped him set up our tent.
Help was enlisted.
Papi pleaded for a hot bath but settled for a warm shower.
Prayer, song, warmth, snacks, and fellowship.
Good night!
The boys had our tent to themselves before we managed to squeeze seven bodies in a four person tent. The physical closeness that we experienced was a beautiful reminder of our desire to remain spiritually close with one another and Our Lord.
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!
this is beautiful Lena. You and your family are giving glory to God in the highest. what a spiritually rich family you are. I’m wondering where this pilgrimage is taking place. Chartes, France? God bless you for your witness to Christ!!
my pilgrimage takes place in california from san juan bautista mission to mission carmel.
i call it my mini-chartes.
you can read more about the OLB pilgrimage here –