I attended a homeschool conference in April, Northern California Catholic Homeschooling Conference. It was somewhat of a last minute decision to attend since I had attended another conference in July. Praise God, I was given the grace to take my own advice.
I’m not willing to pass up spiritual opportunities that are offered in my backyard. My spiritual bank is full, thanks be to God, but I know how suddenly it can be emptied. I trust that this conference will yield a nice reserve in my spiritual bank. All food for the soul is welcome!
My bank is full! DEO GRATIAS!!!
Below is my outline from Laura Berquist’s talk from 2012 Northern California Catholic Homeschooling Conference, Encouraging Cooperation. You can also view/print/upload my detailed notes from here.
Outline created by LF-JOYfilledfamily, based on Laura Berquist’s talk from 2012 Northern California Catholic Homeschooling Conference
1. Right approach
2. Clear direction
3. Observing limits
4. Keeping notes
5. Formation vs. Information
6. Keeping individuality of the child in mind
7. Training of virtues
8. Talk to children
9. Respect
10. Encouragement
Praise God that your bank is full and your batteries re-charged. I’m sad to say that I missed the backyard opportunity:( I’ll hope for next year! Have a very blessed Mother’s Day, filled with showers of love from your sweeties!