"Christ made my soul beautiful with the jewels of grace and virtue. I belong to Him whom the angels serve." ~ Saint Agnes
"Jesus Christ is my only Spouse." ~ St. Agnes
St. Agnes
Feast Day ~ January 21st in the Traditional and New Calendar
Agnes is the archetype of the virgins who throughout the Christian centuries have followed the Lamb wherever He goes, "first fruits unto God and unto the Lamb" (Apoc. 14:4). She was twelve years old when she was commanded to offer incense before the pagan altar of Minerva at Rome, soon after Emperor Diocletian began his persecution of the Christians in the year 303. The persecutors tried in vain to overcome the virgin’s refusal by flattery and offers of marriage. "Christ is my Spouse," she answered. "He chose me first and His I will be." Her sentence of death was passed and the child martyr died by the sword.
Patron: Affianced couples; betrothed couples; bodily purity; chastity; Children of Mary; Colegio Capranica of Rome; crops; engaged couples; gardeners; girls; rape victims; diocese of Rockville Centre, New York; virgins.
Symbols: Lamb; woman with long hair and a lamb, sometimes with a sword at her throat; woman with a dove which holds a ring in its beak; woman with a lamb at her side.
"This is a virgin’s birthday; let us follow the example of her chastity. It is a martyr’s birthday; let us offer sacrifices; it is the birthday of holy Agnes: let men be filled with wonder, little ones with hope, married woman with awe, and the unmarried with emulation. It seems to me that this child, holy beyond her years and courageous beyond human nature, received the name of Agnes (Greek: pure) not as an earthly designation but as a revelation from God of what she was to be." ~ St. Augustine
“May God’s little lamb, St. Agnes of Rome, intercede for us that we would be loyal to the faith she professed! And should we ever be disloyal, may God’s grace bring us to repentance!”
~ Fr. Miguel Marie Soeherman, MFVA
St. Agnes, Ora Pro Nobis
St. Agnes is the patroness of young girls and her symbol is, naturally, a lamb.
St. Agnes Bio – EWTN
St. Agnes Bio – Catholic Culture
St. Agnes Bio – New Advent
Act of Charity Printable – JOYfilledfamily
“Shining with the fire of divine love” – Reflections by Fr. Z
Images of St. Agnes – SQPN
Little Flowers Wreath I – St. Agnes – JOYfilledfamily
Love of God Candy Heart Bracelet – JOYfilledfamily
St. Agnes Bio for Kids – Holy Spirit Interactive
St. Agnes Bio for Families – Domestic-Church.com
St. Agnes Crafts – Catholic Icing
St. Agnes Coloring Page – Paper Dali
Coloring Page – St. Agnes from Curmudgeonry
St. Agnes Coloring Page – Waltzing Matilda
Prayers to St. Agnes of Rome
O glorious St. Agnes, you served God in humility and confidence on earth and are now in the enjoyment of His beatific Vision in heaven because you persevered till death and gained the crown of eternal life. Remember now the dangers that surround me in the vale of tears, and intercede for me in my needs and troubles. Amen.
O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, source of all virtue, lover of virgins, most powerful conqueror of demons, most severe extirpator of vice! Deign to cast Thine eyes upon my weakness, and through the intercession of Mary most blessed, mother and virgin, and of thy beloved spouse, St. Agnes, glorious virgin and martyr, grant me the aid of thy heavenly grace, in order that I may learn to despise all earthly things, and to love what is heavenly, to oppose vice and to be proof against temptation; to walk firmly in the path of virtue, not to seek honors, to shun pleasures, to bewail my past offences, to keep far from the occasions of evil, to keep free from bad habits, to seek the company of the good, and persevere in righteousness, so that, by the assistance of thy grace, I may deserve the crown of eternal life, together with St. Agnes and all the saints, forever and ever, in thy kingdom. Amen.
I was always teased because my middle name is Agnes…but she’s a really cool saint!
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