“Listen carefully to me, I entreat you. . . . Procure books that will be medicines for the soul. . . . At least get a copy of the New Testament, the Apostle’s epistles, the Acts, the Gospels, for your constant teachers. If you encounter grief, dive into them as into a chest of medicines; take from them comfort for your trouble, whether it be loss, or death, or bereavement over the loss of relations. Don’t simply dive into them. Swim in them. Keep them constantly in your mind. The cause of all evils is the failure to know the Scriptures well.” ~ St. John Chrysostom
St. John Chrysostom
Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church
January 27 ~ St. John Chrysostom’s feast day in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
September 13~ New Calendar
Archbishop of Constantinople in the fourth century, John was surnamed Chrysostom, "the golden-mouthed," because of his moving eloquence. His gifted pen, as well as his sermons drew many to Christ. The saint’s courageous condemnation of sinfulness brought him exile and all manner of ill-usage from his persecutors. Solicitous for the poor of Constantinople, St. John also looked beyond the boundaries of his episcopal see, and sent out missioners among the Scythians, Persians, and Goths. With the praise of God on his lips, this great Doctor of the Eastern Church died in exile on September 14, 407.
- St. John Chrysostom – Lives of the Saints ~ Sanctus Simplicitus
- A Preacher Unlike Any Other ~ Vultus Christi
- St. John Chrysostom Bio ~ EWTN
- St. John Chrysostom Bio for Kids ~ Holy Spirit Interactive
- St. John Chrysostom Coloring Page ~ JOYfilledfamily
- St. John Chrysostom Icon Project ~ JOYfilledfamily
- St. John Chrysostom Bio ~ Catholic Culture
- St. Chrysostom Volumes/Homilies
- Treatise on the Priesthood by St.John Chrysostom ~ Fish Eaters
- Previous Posts on St. John Chrysostom ~ JOYfilledfamily
S. Joannis Chrysostomi ~ ora pro nobis
“The cause of all evils is the failure to know the Scriptures well.”
Lena, The older I get the more truth I see in this beautiful quote. I love St John Chrysostom..What a beautiful post..
Blessings and +