The following prayer request was sent to me today. I pass it on to you in charity and trust that you will storm heaven for this dear family.
“Then were little children presented to Him, that he should impose hands upon them and pray. And the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said to them:Suffer the little children to come and forbid them not to come to me; for the kingdom of heaven is for such.” Matt. 19:13-14.The Harder family has suffered a devastating loss in that two of John and Janice Harder’s six children died yesterday in a tragic boating accident in Montana. The boys, John Anthony and Joseph Thaddeus, aged 8 and 4 respectively, were their only boys and were unable to survive the frigid conditions of the water where they were capsized and remained for several hours. A third child, Cecilia Rose, was given CPR and a faint pulse was detected. She has been upgraded from intensive care and looks to be pulling through. Her patron, St. Rose of Lima, whose feast was yesterday, is most assuredly watching over her
…This tragedy has devastated the family and has left the boys’ parents disconsolate, even while they recover from their own injuries.
Our Faith tells us that these beautiful boys are in heaven as it was made “for such”. Of course, we should always pray for the repose of their souls, but given their young age and innocence, we can be assured of their salvation. However, those left behind are in great need of our prayers and support. Please pray for John and Janice and their four young girls who must face a home with an empty room and a lifetime of bittersweet memories. They cannot but be buoyed by your prayers and support.
An account is being opened in the family’s name to help defer the medical and funeral expenses. It is not clear whether the family had sufficient insurance to cover such a catastrophe which necessitated two or three life flights and hospital stays in two different hospitals in two different States. In addition, a young family does not expect funeral expenses and no contingency plans were made in that regard. Any amount you can afford will be most appreciated by the family.
If you are able please send what you can {email me at JOYfilledfamily*dot*com for the contact info to donate to the family}.
Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.
oh I’m praying for this family.
Though we know suffering is a great gift, it is gut wrenching, nonetheless. The family will be in our constant prayers.