You set the price for the Shurley Method Level 6 bundle that is listed below. I want to offer someone who may be tight on budget, the option to purchase this program. I know how challenging it can be to base your school year around a tight budget.
I only ask that you not be part of a Charter school (receiving money for your home education).
UPDATE–Dad and I desire to help those (in any way we can), who have chosen the way of private home education. We pray that this small offering will bless another family. Please, only respond to this offer if you are not accepting government subsidies (resources that can include cash, stipends for extracurricular activities, computers, textbooks, other instructional materials, etc…) for any part of your home education, by way of Charter school or any other publicly subsidized educational program.
- The Shurley Method English Made Easy – Teacher’s Manual Level 6
The Shurley Method English Made Easy – Student Workbook Level 6SOLD
God bless you for this kind offer, Lena. We don’t need this item but I’m sure it will go to a good home. We use a charter but we don’t receive any money for our education…there is no monetery exchange whatsoever. Just wanted to clarify in case there are others.
oops, meant to add that we have choice or opportunity to borrow basic curric. so def, not needy. Though I purchase much of ours on our own so sometimes I certainly feel needy! LOL Praying your generosity will be a blessing to someone:)
Tiffany – Thanks for offering the point of clarification. I’ll be sure to clarify that point for this post and future listings.
I simply want to offer my assistance to those families who are not accepting government subsidies for any part of their home education (be it direct or indirect monies, services, and /or extracurriculars).
Dad and I desire to help those (in any way we can), who have chosen the way of private home education. We pray that this small offering, will indeed, bless another family.
Many prayers for all who will continue their call to home educate their blessings.
Pax Christi –