We are entering Holy Week true to our family tradition, we’re sick.
We pray to persevere and set our hearts solely on Him. All activities outside of the home and Church have come to a halt. We withdraw from the world during Holy Week – for reflection and reparation. No sports, field trips, extracurricular, visits from friends, etc… Only work (for Dad) and Mass (for all who find reprieve from their illness).
God willing, we will be able to follow the following schedule.
Let us hope that, by God’s mercy, the holy time we are now entering upon will work such a happy change in us, that, on the day of judgment, we may confidently fix our eyes on Him we are now about to contemplate crucified by the hands of sinners. The death of Jesus puts the whole of nature in commotion; the midday sun is darkened, the earth is shaken to its very foundations, the rocks are split: may it be that our hearts, too, be moved, and pass from indifference to fear, from fear to hope, and, at length, from hope to love; so that, having gone down, with our Crucified, to the very depths of sorrow, we may deserve to rise again with Him unto light and joy, beaming with the brightness of His Resurrection, and having within ourselves the pledge of a new life, which shall then die no more!
~ Rev. Dom Prosper Guérange, The Liturgical Year – Practice During Passiontide & Holy Week
- Understanding Holy Week – Audio. Father James Fryar, FSSP explains Holy Week.
- Holy Week 2009
- Holy Week 2010
Hi Lena, I hope your family recovers to enjoy and fully participate in our Holy Week! God Bless you and your family!
Hello Joy filled family! What a beautiful family you have and I’m a new follower to your blog! Your blog is beautifu!
Hello Joy filled family! What a beautiful family you have and I’m a new follower to your blog! Your blog is beautifu!