I am all yours, and all I have is yours. I welcome you into all my affairs and concerns. Show me your heart, O Mary. ~ St. Louis de Montfort
You are invited to run/walk with Team ALL FOR!
We will be participating in the 2nd Annual NUN RUN 2011 – March 12, 2011.
The Nun Run will be held in Tempe, AZ. It will benefit the Our Lady of Solitude Monastery and the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (Mother Angelica’s Order) in AZ.
Team ALL FOR! will be participating as a Shadow Team and will NOT be running in AZ. As a member of Team ALL FOR!, you will run wherever you are are and participate as a Shadow Runner.**
You can select to run a 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk, or 1 Mile Walk.
Just register as normal, check the Shadow Participant box and they will mail you a fun Nun Run t-shirt! (Click here to register now)
Be certain to register as a Shadow Runner and select that you have a team. Enter my name, Lena F, as the team captain. Your form should look like this:
Register by February 23 to guarantee that your shirt and race number will be mailed to you in time for the race.
They are going to recognize and award the largest team outside of Arizona. So, sign up today, and invite your family and friends, and even strangers too!***
Leave a comment and/or email me {JOYfilledfamilyATgmailDOTcom} to let me know that you will be joining Team ALL FOR!
Donate here, if you are unable to register for the race but would like to support the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration in Tempe, AZ, via Team ALL FOR! You will be a part of the team.
Be sure to invite others! You can link back to this blog post.
Lets come together to glorify God with healthy bodies and support His faithful, Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration in AZ.
*Team ALL FOR! was created to bring together Catholic families to glorify God while becoming healthy & fit. It is a fruit of my current journey. The first official activity will be our participation in the NUN Run.
** Shadow Runners are offsite runners. You will run the desired distance in your own locale on the scheduled date.
***I will randomly giveaway any gift that is received, to a member of Team ALL FOR!
This is such a great idea! I’m talking to my husband about this!
I am definitely in! Just posted and linked back to you for sign ups. I’ll be back to sign up this weekend. Thanks for answering the call:-)
Signed up. What a wonderful race! Wish I could run it there in person.
wonderful! be sure to link to the roster and invite others.
I signed up!
Signed up! Thanks for organizing this!