According to the 1962 Missal of Bl. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord.
The mystery of the Christ-birth is a rich and glorious beginning, splendid with promise. Today we worship a partial fulfillment when Jesus, as an Infant King, is manifested to wise men of the Gentile world and through them to all peoples. His royalty is neither frightening nor pompous, for the kingly majesty of the sovereign Redeemer is robed in babyhood. Coming in the simplicity of true greatness, Jesus makes Himself acceptable and at home to the little and the great of every nation under heaven.
The Introit of the Mass brings us at once into this spirit, presenting Jesus to us in the full majesty of His divinity. "Behold the sovereign Lord is come; in His hands He holds the kingdom, the power, and the empire." The Epistle (Is 60, 1-6) breaks forth in a hymn of joy, announcing the vocation of the Gentiles to the faith; they too will acknowledge and adore Jesus as their God: "Arise, be enlightened, O Jerusalem: for thy light is come…. And the Gentiles shall walk in thy light, and the kings in the brightness of thy rising…. All they from Saba shall come, bringing gold and frankincense, and showing forth praise to the Lord." We no longer gaze upon the lowly picture of the shepherds at the manger; passing before us now is the resplendent procession of the Wise Men from he East, representing the pagan nations and all of the kings of the earth, who come to pay homage to the Child-God……
You have shown me that You want my poor cooperation in order to bring about the coming of Your kingdom. You wish me to pray, suffer, and work for the conversion of those who are near and of those who are far away. You wish that I, too, place before the manger of gifts of the Wise Men: the incense of prayer, the myrrh of mortification and of suffering borne with generosity out of love for You, and finally, the gold of charity, charity which will make my heart wholly and exclusively Yours, charity which will spur me on to work, to spend myself for the conversion of sinners and infidels, and for the greater sanctification of Your elect…..
O my loving King, create in me the heart of an apostle. If only I could lay at Your feet today the praise and adoration of everyone on earth!
O my Jesus, while I beg You to reveal Yourself to the world, I also beseech You to reveal Yourself more and more to my poor soul. Let Your star shine for me today, and point out to me the road which leads directly to You! May this day be a real Epiphany for me, a new manifestation to my mind and heart of Your great Majesty. He who knows You more, loves You more, O Lord; and I want to know You solely in order to love You, to give myself to You with ever greater generosity.
~Divine Intimacy by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, OCD
beautiful Lena. I love coming to your site. I learn so muvh and get such insight. I noticed that word “Charity” agina!! and the images you chose are so lovely. Happy Feast of the Epiphany.