“A missionary of Charity is a carrier of God’s love especially to the poorest of the poor, setting all on fire with love for HIm and one another, a healing touch of God that cures all diseases; a soothing smile of God that warms all hearts; God’s own language of love that all hearts understand.” ~ Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
I hadn’t planned on making any new costumes this year. I was just going to alter what I had on hand from the previous years. When I realized how much altering would be needed, I decided to see if someone wanted to be a Missionary of Charity – Mother Teresa. I’ve always wanted a lil’ Mother Teresa for All Saints Day. I didn’t have any takers so I bribed offered a nice incentive. Sparkles took me up on the offer, of course. She said that she is saving for presents and could use the incentive. Sweetie followed suite.
I intended to make both the girls a Missionary of Charity outfit. However, my boys and I are sick. I only managed to put one sari together.
I put my twist on a combination of techniques taken from Melody and Lacy. My intention was to sew the complete costume but my sewing machine would not cooperate – definitely not user error!
It was a no sew costume made from pillow cases purchased at the thrift store. I always look for nice linens to recycle for our embroidery projects. I had all the supplies on hand.
Sparkles designed her costume for St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
Rose took charge of the other children’s costumes. Papi will be St. Dominic Savio. Rose will be St. Gianna Molla with baby (Dragonfly). (to be pictured later)
I love that my children set their hearts and minds on faithfilled things at this time and are not consumed with worldly ways. Deo gratias!
I had a pleasant and timely surprise waiting for me when I returned home from my photo session. A dear friend sent my husband and I a great spiritual read. Sweetie was thrilled with surprise, too. She can’t wait to read them!
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Dominc Savio, St. Gianna Molla, …. – Orate Pro Nobis
What an amazing costume! She’s sooo adorable! Both of them really. My girls were Mother Teresa and St. Elizabeth this year. I think Lydia was also St. Elizabeth last year. Any excuse to put on a princess dress. Lol!
Lacy – Thanks to your ingenious use of painters tape.
oh I just love these costumes. so ingenious! and what a wonderful lesson for your children.