It’s Day 3 for the Wellness Challenge in my home. The pantry and fridge are in need of a quick purge. I have allowed some items in that don’t belong. I did so out of convenience and celebration of a feast day—what was I thinking? I’m offering it up and moving on!
I will be using this check list below to get my pantry back in order.
Wellness Mama Challenge – Purge the Pantry
- As a general rule, if it comes in a package, box or bag, it counts
- If it contains grains, sugars, chemicals, ingredients you can’t pronounce or has a color that doesn’t exist in nature… it counts
- If feeding it to a small animal could induce a diabetic coma… it counts
- If it says “low-fat” or “Heart healthy whole grains” – it definitely counts
- If it is in a can and has ingredients other than fish (tuna, sardines, etc) or vegetables- it counts
- If it is an oil that comes from a food that does not produce an oil when squeezed (corn, soybean, canola, etc) it counts
Lena, I'm completely intrigued by this challenge. I'll have to show it to Greg and see what he thinks. We've talked many times over about getting away from processed stuff – when Elise was gluten-free it was quite easy then – but never had a plan or any kind of way of doing it. I think the Wellness Challenge may be what we've been looking for. <br /><br />:)
It's been hard to throw out so much food that we had before we started the lifestyle change. I've been giving away unopened packages, but don't like to do that either because not food anyone should be eating. How do you reconcile these feelings?
kim – i encourage you to go for it! there's no better time than now – as you grow a baby. i am not completely sure about what you are dealing with but i do know that eating clean has tremendously improved my emotional and mental state. i will keep your intentions in my lenten prayers.<br /><br />sarah – i feel you. i ended up throwing away majority of the junk food when my family decided