Saturday, September 5 was the feast day of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the last day of our Novena to Blessed Teresa. Her intercession in our lives has taken us on a journey to Christ that we desire to continue. Our devotion to her and her charism continue to flourish. We pray to bring her way to our vocation as a married couple and parents, to be JOYfully obedient to our Heavenly Father and become clay that He molds.
It was also first Saturday, a day we devote to Mass and recollection. Our recollection was postponed since the MC’s were celebrating this glorious day.
My day was also filled with our first Little Flower’s meeting. We of course focused on Blessed Teresa and her patron, St. Therese of Lisieux. The girls started the day with First Saturday Mass and then had their meeting. They made Sacrifice Beads and discussed ways to become a Saint.
As a family, we celebrated this feast day with ice cream. It was simple but JOYful, Mother Teresa style.
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Cause of our JOY,
Pray for us.
Blessed Mother Teresa,
Pray for us.