Tis the festival on which the Church venerates the humility and obedience of Mary who, though not subject to the law of Moses, which required purification and presentation in the temple, yet subjected herself to it. From this comes the name Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Presentation of Jesus in the temple. It is also called Candlemas, because before Mass on this day the candles used in divine service are blessed and carried in procession. ~ The Church Year
It has been forty days, we are gearing up to officially wrap up Christmastide. Feb 2, the Feast of the Purification, is the end of the Christmas Season in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. We will be removing the Christmas tree, nativities, Christmas cards, Christmas books, etc… We will attend Mass and observe a day of Marian simplicity.
We will work as a family in the home and yard. All technology use will be limited. We will set a structure for the day, centered around prayer. Our day and prayer will culminate with a Solemn Mass.
JOYfilledfamily’s Daily Life – 2.2.12
- Lauds*/Morning Offering
- Angelus
- Terce
- Angelus
- Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Angelus
- Examen
- Rosary
- Candle Blessing, Candlemas Procession and Solemn Mass
*Dad & Mom prayer time
O Blessed Mother of God, who went up to the Temple according to the law with your offering of little white doves, pray for me that I too may keep the law and be pure in heart like you.
Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation.
- Introduction of the Feast of the Purification ~ Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine,
The Church’s Year - Candlemas ~ Fr. Z
- Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~ Breviary.net
- Feast of the Purification (Candlemas) ~ Fish Eaters
- Gregorian Chant Propers for Candlemas
- Purification Novena ~ Catholic Culture
- Candlemas Candle Craft ~ JOYfilledfamily
- Purification Coloring Page ~ St John the Baptist Catholic Church
- A Day of Purification, Renewal and Hope ~ JOYfilledfamily 2011
- Candlemas Treats ~ Catholic Cuisine
- Additional Candles Mass Resources & Links ~ Sanctus Simplicitus
Heavenly Father! look down from Thy throne of mercy upon the face of Thy Anointed in whom Thou art well pleased. Behold, He is this day offered to Thee in the temple for the sins of His brethren. Let this offering please Thee, and move Thee to have compassion on us sinners. In consideration of His humility and obedience, forgive us our pride and disobedience, and grant us, that purified by His blood, we may one day, having like Simeon departed this life in peace, behold Thee as the eternal Light which shall never be extinguished in the temple of Thy glory, be presented to Thee by Mary, our beloved Mother, and love and praise Thee forever. Amen.
Beautiful celebration and daily life plan. Praying all goes accordingly for your devoted family. Happy Candlemas and Ave Maria! {We got invited to a first profession of vows (tomorrow) for a seminarian. I’ve never been to one and so excited!}